Aker Kvaerner Chemetics

1818 Cornwall Ave., Vancouver, BC

Chemetics, a division of Aker Kvaerner, is a process technology company offering engineered systems, proprietary equipment, and complete turnkey plants, to the chemical, water treatment, fertilizer, and non-ferrous metals industries worldwide. We ...

Doucet & Associs Conseils (Qu.) Lte

440-1000, rte de l'glise, Sainte-Foy, QC

Historique Fonde en 1974 par des ingnieurs ayant toujours oeuvr dans le domaine des tlcommunications, la socit tablit son sige social Montral et ouvre son bureau de Qubec afin d'tre proximit de la clientle qu'elle compte desservir. S'tant ...

Biorex Inc.

295, ch. Sainte-Foy, Quebec City, QC

BIOREX: TOP ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTISE The first consulting firm in Quebec to specialize in marine biology, sea fisheries and the ocean environment, BIOREX is now an acknowledged leader in these fields. BIOREX has a solid footing in eastern ...

CLA Experts-Conseils Inc.

629, rue Notre-Dame, Repentigny, QC

CLA est membre des organismes suivants: . Association des ingnieurs-conseils du Canada . Association des ingnieurs-conseils du Qubec . Association qubcoise des techniques de l'eau . Institut canadien de la construction en acier . American Water ...

Hinz Automation Inc.

410 Jessop Ave., Saskatoon, SK

Hinz Automation Inc. is an Engineering firm focused on the design of industrial automation, process control, and power distribution. Established in Canada in 1971, Hinz Automation has Canadian offices in Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, and ...

Liburdi Engineering Limited

400 Hwy. 6 North, Dundas, ON

Liburdi designs and manufactures specialized metallurgical equipment and processes for advanced manufacturing. The international office and main plant is located outside Toronto, Canada with offices in Los Angeles , Detroit and in North ...

Coles Associates Ltd.

197 Malpeque Rd., Charlottetown, PE

Coles Associates Ltd. is a multidisciplinary professional firm delivering integrated services in Architecture, Civil/Transportation, Structural/Building Systems, Mechanical/Process Engineering/Energy and Electrical Engineering. CALTECH ...

Appin Associates

472 Academy Rd. 2nd Floor, Winnipeg, MB

Appin & Associates provides engineering, scientific and technical services, and specializes mechanical system design, direct digital control, indoor air quality assessments, small buiinlding design, training design, energy management, Arctic ...

Earth Tech Inc

300-340 Midpark Way SE, Calgary, AB

Earth Tech is a global provider of consulting, engineering and construction services for the transportation, water/wastewater, facilities and environmental markets. Serving commercial, industrial and government clients worldwide, the company ...

Hatch Lte

5, Place Ville Marie Bureau 200, Montreal, QC

Cre en 1955, Hatch est une firme d'experts-conseils multidisciplinaire en ingnierie et possde des bureaux au Canada, aux tats-Unis, en Europe, en Afrique du Sud et en Australie. Hatch est subdivise en neuf secteurs d'activit soit; l'industrie ...