Hinz Automation Inc.

Address: 410 Jessop Ave.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2S5

Mailling Address: 410 Jessop Ave.
Saskatoon, SK S7N 2S5

Phone: (306) 373-5555

Fax: (306) 373-1979

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.hinz.com

Hinz Automation Inc.

Hinz Automation Inc. is an Engineering firm focused on the
design of industrial automation, process control, and power
distribution. Established in Canada in 1971, Hinz Automation
has Canadian offices in Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton,
and Vancouver, and US offices in Denver, Minneapolis and San Diego.
Hinz Automation was established as an industrial electrical
engineering firm at a time when software based control systems
were in their infancy, and solid state electrical equipment was
just becoming popular. Over the Companys history, industrial
controls have changed significantly. Advances in power
distribution, while not as high profile, were equally
impressive. Throughout this period, Hinz has stayed on the
leading edge of these technologies by continually training
personnel and always looking for the best when recruiting new
engineering talent. These philosophies ensure that Hinz
Automation Inc. remains a leader in our industry.
The specialist nature of our firm has accommodated a continuous,
yet controlled, company growth. Thus, Hinz Automation has
historically avoided the staff level oscillations that
characterize many large multi-discipline consultants. Many Hinz
senior employees are also shareholders in the company, which
adds to company stability and ensures a widespread active
interest in developing long term relationships with clients.

Company Details

Year Established: 1971

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 250

Company Information

Jon Blois
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (780) 489-8880
Fax: (780) 484-1697
Email: Click Here

Darrell Hinz
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (604) 521-2233
Fax: (604) 521-4466
Email: Click Here

Dan Reid
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (306) 373-5555
Fax: (306) 373-1979
Email: Click Here

Lorne Gabel
Title: Partner/Associate
Telephone: (403) 235-5305
Fax: (403) 235-1618
Email: Click Here

Ryan Hinz
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (306) 373-5555
Fax: (306) 373-1979
Email: Click Here

Steve Scott
Title: President, Canadian Operations
Area of Responsibility: Manufacturing/Production/Operations
Telephone: (403) 235-5305
Fax: (403) 235-1618
Email: Click Here

Dan Bourlet
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (403) 235-5305
Fax: (403) 235-1618
Email: Click Here


Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-pipelines

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-gas Process Plants

Consulting Engineer - Power-transmission & Distribution

Consulting Engineer - Mining & Metallurgy-underground Mining

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-sawmills

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-paper Mills

Industrial Control Software Development & Integration

Consulting Engineer - Power-systems Planning & Operation

Consulting Engineer - Power-thermal Power

Consulting Engineer - Petroleum & Natural Gas-refineries

Consulting Engineer - Power-alternative Energy

Consulting Engineer - Mining & Metallurgy-open Pit Mining

Consulting Engineer - Industry-cement

Consulting Engineer - Industry-steel

Consulting Engineer - Industry-chemical

Consulting Engineer - Transportation-harbours

Consulting Engineer - Transportation-airports

Consulting Engineer - Industry-other

Consulting Engineer - Industry-manufacturing

Consulting Engineer - Industry-fertilizer

Consulting Engineer - Industry-breweries

Consulting Engineer - Industry-food

Consulting Engineer - Mining & Metallurgy-mine Planning & Prdtn

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-pulp Mills

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-hard/Soft Board Mills Detailed design of electrical and control systems for all panel board industries

Consulting Engineer - Forest/Fish/Agrltr-veneer/Plywood/Part. Mill Detailed design of electrical and control systems for all panel board industries

Consulting Engineer - Mining & Metallurgy-coal Mining

Consulting Engineer - Communications-data Transmission

Consulting Engineer - Mining & Metallurgy-hard Rock Mining