Ppinire Abbotsford inc.

605, rue Principale, Abbotsford, QC

It was in 1962 that Mr. Jean-Claude Paquette purchased the nursery he has been successfully operating ever since. Later, his two sons joined him in the business, turning it into a family-run enterprise. But over the last few years, the trio ...

L'rablire aux 4 Saisons Inc.

160, rte 363 S., Saint-Ubalde, QC

Sugar making has been, for generations, of great interest for the Denis family. In 1938, Osa Denis operated the first family sugar house. One hundred and fifty taps were enough for his family needs. In 1946, his son, Paul-Aim, built his ...

Gntiporc Inc.

1312 rue St-Georges, Saint-Bernard, QC

Gntiporc est une entreprise spcialise en gntique porcine qui est implique dans la slection, la production et la distribution de sujets reproducteurs. Parmi les hooneurs remports au fil des ans, en voici quelques uns : - Meilleurs sujets Duroc au ...

Semences Prograin Inc

145, rang du Bas de la Rivire N, Saint-Csaire, QC

Semences Prograin Inc - Fully Integrated soybean company. R&D - Plant Breeding Pedigree seed Production & distribution Food grade soybean production , conditionning & exporting. Full-fat soybean cooking & distribution. PRODUCTS ON ...

Pepinire J.P. Sevigny Inc.

7964, rte Louis St-Laurent, Compton, QC

The J.P. Svigny nurseries were created in 1968. At first, the company acquired several farms and started the Christmas tree exploration. At this time, Mr. Svigny was the only employee. A few years after, the company grew and acquired more ...

Les Serres Coopratives de Guyenne

715, ch. des Serres, Guyenne, QC

Operations started in 1980 with 0.6 ha of greenhouse and 3million tree seedlings. In 1985, we added 0.6 ha for an 11 million production of tree seedlings. In 1987, the diversification process started with a first tomato production. In 1990, a ...

Brandy Creek Angora Goats Inc.

3608 Rang 3 Nord, Valcourt, QC

-Member of American Angora Goat Breeders Association -Member of Canadian Goat Society -Member of Quebec Angora Goat Breeders Association -Member of Quebec Arts Council Breeder of Grand Champion Angora Goat, from 1985 to 1999. Our company ...


700, rue Lucien-Thibodeau, Portneuf, QC

L'entreprise produit des tomates de serre beef, grappe rouge, et spcialits. Elle est en croissance par des acquisitions de comptiteurs et sa marque de commerce est SAVOURA. L'entreprise est membre du Canadian Produce Marketing Association, de ...

M.P.E. Designs

9 Monarch Dr., Bedford, NS

M.P.E. Designs was established in 1983 with the goal of providing professional turnkey solutions to mechanical engineering problems as related to; design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of equipment and systems. - Machine Design - ...

Ppinire Charlevoix Inc.

2375, boul. de Comport, La Malbaie, QC

Centre Jardin-ppinire Producteur plantes vivaces et clmatites Conception amnagement paysager Traitement de gazon et arbres Produit de bton pav Quinquaillerie Membre chambre de commerce Charlevoix-est Regroupement des entrepreneurs paysagistes ...