Biorex Inc.

295, ch. Sainte-Foy, Quebec City, QC

BIOREX: TOP ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTISE The first consulting firm in Quebec to specialize in marine biology, sea fisheries and the ocean environment, BIOREX is now an acknowledged leader in these fields. BIOREX has a solid footing in eastern ...


1990, rue du Roitelet, Quebec City, QC

GDIC - Groupe conomique de Dveloppement Industriel et Commercial a son champ dactivit dans la Gestion de projets et conseils scientifiques en gnie mcanique et dans la Conception assiste par ordinateur . GDICoffre des services dingnierie conseil ...

Hudon Julien Associs

Place Iberville Deux 1175, av. Lavigerie, bureau 400, Quebec City, QC

Important bureau d'architectes qui a conu plus de 250$ millions de construction: 5 dernires annes Membre : - Institut Royal d'Architecture du Canada (IRAC) - Ordre des Architectes du Qubec (OAQ) - Association des Architectes en Pratique Priv ...

David Leslie Architect

324-21st St, Quebec City, QC

Professional Summary With over 25 years architectural experience, I have developed an approach which takes in many environmental considerations from a micro to macro level. I have much experience in the design of healthy buildings which use a ...

Hatem Communications

210-683 rue St-Joseph E, Quebec City, QC

Hatem Communications est une agence de publicit et de marketing intgr spcialise dans la recherche et le design (offensive publicitaire, illustration, design virtuel et graphisme), la mise en place de tactiques marketing (plan dattaque, ...

Laboratoire de Matriaux de Qubec 1987 Inc

2445, av. Dalton, Quebec City, QC

The company has performed professional services for over 50 years in the following specialities: soil mechanics, geology, hydrogeology, quality control, roof examination and control, environment, and others. LMQ also has a respectable knowledge ...

Menuiserie Faucher et Faucher Inc.

470, rue Sainte-Agns, Quebec City, QC

Entrepreneur spcialis en menuiserie, met sa comptence et sa longue exprience au service des architectes, designers et entrepreneurs en construction pour la ralisation d'amnagements commerciaux et de meubles sur mesure. -Meubles et dcors pour ...

Beaudet Fontaine Associs

999, boul. Pierre-Bertrand Bureau 210, Quebec City, QC

ORGANISATION DE LA SANT: Planification stratgique, planification et dveloppement organisationnels, fusion d'tablissements, mise en commun de services et laboration de plans de complmentarit de services, tude diagnostique, amlioration de la ...

Centre de Recherche du CHUL (CHUQ)

2705, boul. Laurier, Quebec City, QC

The CHUL Research Centre has an excellent international reputation in biomedical research. Its mission, among other things, is to ensure a speedy transfer form fundamental discoveries to the diagnosing and treatment of patients. The ...

Diagnocure Inc.

2050, boul. Ren-Lvesque O. 6e tage, Quebec City, QC

Cre la fin de 1994, la Socit biomdicale DiagnoCure Inc. entend devenir un chef de file en matire de diagnostic et de traitement des cancers de l'appareil gnito- urinaire. Pour ce faire, elle consacrera ses efforts la production et la ...