401-915 De L'Habitat St, Sherbrooke, QC

ProDiServ K-DO PLUS offers a wide variety of products to its customers via catalogues and brochures and online. Our web hosting services are growing. We offer everything you need for a domain name and a website with reliable and high performance home ...

7Dfx Inc.

635, rue Belair, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QC

Nous sommes une entreprise de services qui offre plusieurs services aux entreprises et nous sommes spcialis en planification et conception et de solutions technologique adapt au march de notre clientle. Grce l'internet et ses technologies nous vendons ...

Groupe ITES Canada inc.

14848, rue Jovette-Bernier, Montreal, QC

ITES offre des solutions logiciels pour les points de vente spcialiss, tel que des applications de gestion de clubs vido et de commerce de location. En tant que fournisseur de solution cl en main, ITES met la disposition de ses clients (PME) une ...

InfOrders Inc.

810 Sainte-Rose Blvd, Laval, QC is a company specializing in the design and implementation of web sites at affordable prices. Whatever your needs may be, InfOrders can bring your business on-line quickly and affordable. Everything from: -web design -web hosting ...


453 Route 201, Saint-Clet, QC

Kataclyst est une jeune entreprise qubcoise se spcialisant dans la cration Web. Que vous ayez besoin dun logo, dune refonte de site ou de la cration complte dun site Web, Kataclyst sengage vous offrir ses meilleurs services des prix comptitifs et ...

Imagerie Geckom

6650 Garnier St., Montreal, QC

Geckom is a Montreal based architectural imaging specialized firm. Geckom is always striving to offer high quality services to its customers. By combining our creativity, architectural and computer science knowledge, we are able to provide superior ...

Kaleidos Multimdia inc.

102, rue Saint-Georges, Matane, QC

Kaleidos Multimdia est ne de la volont et de lnergie de quatre finissants diplms en techniques de production multimdia. Conscients de leur rle social et pourvus de beaucoup daudace, ils envisagent la conception de produits destins aux personnes ayant ...

Capisoft Inc.

608-995 Grard-Morisset St, Quebec City, QC

E-commerce single window for SMEs. Full range of nine (9) services and management software VALORTEC in two (2) platforms B2B and B2C Convenient packages and plans available in All Included Formula. Best offers on the market. No contract. No purchase. ...

Trigonix Inc.

101-80 Queen St, Montreal, QC

Document scanning services (black and white, grey scale, color) : paper, microfilm, microfiches, aperture cards, slides, negatives, color negatives, photo, medical archives, historical books bound or unboud, large format documents with or without rigid ...

Intro World Sistems Inc

350, rue Prince-Arthur O., Montreal, QC

Travel Agency online and Hosting Service, web desing, Server Location for Company, Specialist in Telecomunications