Capisoft Inc.
E-commerce single window for SMEs. Full range of nine (9) services and management software VALORTEC in two (2) platforms B2B and B2C Convenient packages and plans available in All Included Formula. Best offers on the market. No contract. No purchase. Monthly renting. E-commerce outsourcing 24/7/365 by multilingual E-commerce specialists. Graphism, wording, translation, english-french-spanish, e-marketing, positionning, optimization, key word, management, software development, outsourcing e-commerce
Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$100,000 - $200,000
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Daniel Vachon
(418) 688-8581
Click Here
Software. E-commerce Applications
Marketing Online
Capisoft use the natural technique for better results. 2 E-Marketing Packages available in monthly rental plan. Key word analysis, optimization, positioning,
1-E-Marketing Direction Package,
2-E-Marketing PRO Package.
Consulting In E-commerce
A well strategic planning of all E-commerce activities is the first step to success. Capisoft' specialists help you to get your e-business goals..
Text Wording And Correction For Web
Capisoft Inc. count on a team of translators and web writers able to enhance your texts and make them attractive, effective and easy to understand.
Training In E-commerce Process
Capisoft Inc. has developed a special training program for managers and employees who want to understand and master every aspect of E-commerce.
Management Of Process
This service is a best value for every company eager to set a high standard of quality for its E-commerce activities without having to spend a lot of time and money.Thanks to the flexibility of our specialists, you can always count on the assistance of a skilled Webmaster.
2 packages offer: by hour, by week or other special needs
Outsourcing E-commerce Activities
Capisoft Inc.developed two original plans to take in charge all aspects of your online business. An innovative formula.based on thrue sales performance. Service offer 24/7/365. Account manager qualified
1. Capisoft Web Sales distributor Plan
2. Capisoft Web Sales Agent Plan
Software Development
A team of programmers, analysts, and computer engineers stands ready to respond to your specific requests and deliver quick solutions
Info Graphism
Because the customer's perception of your company is crucial, it is of primary importance to display a dynamic and up-to-date image. Capisoft Inc. counts on its highly qualified artists and talented creators to meet the multiple needs of its customers in a friendly navigation site
E-commerce Outsourcing Center
From his E-commerce Outsourcing Center, Capisoft take the full charge and responsabilities of all aspects of online activities for canadian and foreign companies. Our team of qualified specialists in E-commerce works for your 24/7/365 .Our partnership program mean success guarantee
Text Translation
Anglish, french, spanish