
390, boul. Charest E Bureau 350, Quebec City, QC

A leader in combined industrial automation and computer data processing expertise, Gnisys helps optimize productivity along with energy and environmental efficiency by offering practical solutions. Backed by the sound expertise it has been developing ...

1375 Michel-Brouillet St, Chambly, QC

We are specialized in e-commerce, Internet and custom Windows and Internet programming. We are the developers of 'Simple-Commerce', an e-commerce catalog software. Simple-Commerce is polyvalent: It can be easily incorporated into any existing ...

Nurun Inc.

711, de la Commune O., Montreal, QC

Nurun is a Canadian chartered company that was founded in 1985 in Quebec City (formerly Informission Inc.). In the growing market of communications and interactive technologies, Nurun has developed a unique positioning and service offerings that ...

NSTEIN Technologies Inc.

75, rue Queen Bureau 4400, Montreal, QC

In September 2004, Alis Technologies Inc. was acquired by Nstein Technologies. Since its incorporation in 1981, Alis Technologies excels at language implementation in the information technology industry, specifically for the Internet and ...

ECP Nouveaux Mdias Inc.

1280, av. Bernard Bureau 200, Outremont, QC

ECP Nouveaux Mdias, filiale multimdia du Groupe ECP, se spcialise dans le dveloppement, la production et la mise en service de sites Web interactifs partir des contenus tlvisuels produits par ECP (Entreprises de Cration Panacom inc.) la filiale ...

Info Gestion

127, rue Notre-Dame E., Trois-Pistoles, QC

Fabrication et distribution de logiciel comptables avec spcialisation dans les domaines de distribution alimentaires et entreprise manufacturire. Depuis plus de 12 ans, nous procedons l'amlioration du produit. Nous personnalisons aussi le ...

Bug-Tracker inc.

360, rue Saint Jacques Bureau 1904, Montreal, QC

Bug Tracker propose, lors d'une externalisation complte ou partielle des processus dAssurance Qualit, une dmarche originale en apportant un regard neuf et indpendant sur les productions multimdia. Les services proposs(post-production, tests)reposent ...

Northstar Informatics Inc.

616-725 De Roussillon St, Longueuil, QC

Northstar Informatics Inc. is an IT consulting company specializing in providing web application development and integration services to both the government and the private sector. Northstar Informatics uses real-world expertise and information ...

Aboriginal Canada Network

215 Jeanne Mance St., Vanier, ON

The Aboriginal Canada Network is an Aboriginal owned and fully controlled company. We are a full service Computer hardware and Web management provider. Offering a complete range of computer and Internet services. As a dynamic Information ...

Geffair Canada Inc.

9501 Av. Ryan, Dorval, QC

C'est en 1991 que Geffair Canada inc. dbuta ses travaux de Photographie Arienne Verticale. L'essor qu'a depuis connu notre firme est attribu, d'une part un personnel hautement qualifi, et d'autre part la volont de sa direction de suivre de ...