Bianca International Organic Inc. -BIO-

1-7174, rue Marquette, Montreal, QC

BIANCA is a Canadian trading house, member of AMCEQ and other professional associations, specialising in natural and certified organic products. With our networking and knowledge, we offer the following services: -1- Import & Export: raw ...

Aalexx International Inc.

12-4913 Lionel-Groulx St., Saint-Augustin-De-Desmaures, QC

Aalexx International inc. is renowned as a specialist in marketing soybeans for human consumption. We are also a Canadian leader in exporting both convention and organic soybeans. We have the following certifications: Organic certification by ...

New Centrade Inc.

29-2835 Goyer St., Montreal, QC

New Centrade Inc. Import & Export, situated in Montreal, Canada, is well established and successful world-wide supplier of organic products. We have established long-term business and personal relationships with companies throughout the world. ...


3463 rue Sainte-Famille Apt 212, Montreal, QC

ma compagnie est concentr sur l'exportation de produits alimentaire vers l'afrique de l'ouest ou nous avons d'importante branche de distribution, actuellement je me concentres sur l'exportation de btonnets glacs tel que Mr Freeze, je cherche donc un ...

Sogelco International Inc.

715 Victoria Sq. 4th Floor, Montreal, QC

Producer, Exporter, Importer of frozen fish & seafood products, other foods, meats & poultry commodities - 'Sogel' Brand Frozen Canadian. Lobsters, lobster meats, lobster tails, rock crabmeats, and mussel meat. Frozen lobsters products, whole cooked ...

Tri-Star Seafood Supply Ltd.

11751 Voyageur Way, Richmond, BC

Tri-Star Seafood Supply Ltd. is a Richmond based international seafood supplier specializing in a broad spectrum of live, fresh and frozen seafood products. Tri-Stars innovative handling and shipping of live seafood products worldwide has more than ...

West India Trading Company Inc.

505-300 DU SAINT-SACREMENT ST., Montreal, QC

West India Trading Company Inc. has been trading in food products internationally for the past thirty-two years with success. The company is a Canadian-owned enterprise with head offices in Montreal and a smoked fish processing plant in Cap-Pel, ...

Regal Poultry Inc.

955 Michelin St, Laval, QC

Regal Poultry is fast becoming one of the leading poultry processors and distributors in Canada, the U.S. and abroad. Federally inspected and HACCP accredited, we are associated with all the major suppliers and are firmly committed to quality in all ...

Lalumire Foods Inc.

2350, ch. du Lac, Longueuil, QC

HISTORIQUE Fond en 1910, Aliments Lalumire Inc. tait l'poque une petite fabrique de confiserie qui avait pignon sur la rue Ste-Catherine Montral. Au fil des ans, l'Entreprise changea son orientation; elle dlaissa peu peu le march de la ...

J.W. Picard Lte

81 Jacques-Cartier St W, Chicoutimi, QC

Grossiste en alimentation depuis trois gnrations, nous offrons une grande varit de produits, des marques prives et des prix trs comptitifs. Spcialis dans la vente d'quipements et accessoires de cuisine commerciale, notre salle d'exposition est ...