HTIG of Canada

2340 Place Des Musiciens, Saint-Lazare, QC

We specialize in commercialization, promotion and development of innovative technologies from Russia at the north-American marketplace and distributing equipment from Canada to Russia

Deane & Company

190 Oneida Dr., Pointe-Claire, QC

Our main markets are the aviation, electronic and metal fabrication industries. We supply our clients with cleaners, paint removers and metal treament chemicals. We also distribute sandblasting equipment and media.

AMD Distributions

1235 Tellier, Laval, QC

NutriCorp International

4025 Rhodes Dr., Windsor, ON

NutriCorp is a division of Jamieson Labs handling Contract manufacturing and private label packaging of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements

La Coop fdre

9001, boul. de l'Acadie Bureau 200, Montreal, QC


1556 Matthew Brady Blvd., Windsor, ON

We are a leading provider of Electrocoating and Powder-Coating to the Automotive Parts Manufacturers. We also provide welding, assembly, packaging and sequencing.

Biotech Solutions Inc.

2328, ch. de la Grande-Ligne, Quebec City, QC

Environmental Remediation Techonology Provider