704-5830 Byrne Rd., Burnaby, BC
Machine shop and hard chrome plating, grinding and polishing to rebuild, repaire, remanufacture hydraulic cylinders, valves and engine components.
4062 McConnell Dr., Burnaby, BC
120-3823 Henning Dr., Burnaby, BC
104-7450 Lowland Dr., Burnaby, BC
Northwest Tech-Con manufactures electronic pump controls for effluent, sewage, booster control systems, also designs level switch and intrinsic barrier for different appoicatins (UL & CSA)
4500 Beedie St., Burnaby, BC
225-4259 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC
121-3823 Henning Dr., Burnaby, BC
Cana Kit is a manufacturer of educational electronics kits and modules. We are also expanding our company to supply other popular electronic equipment and components.
7438 Fraser Park Dr., Burnaby, BC
8676 Commerce Crt, Burnaby, BC
7060 WALTHAM AVE., Burnaby, BC