Wilson, Vukelich

Address: 710-60 Columbia Way
Markham, ON L3R 0C9

Mailling Address: 710-60 Columbia Way
Markham, ON L3R 0C9

Phone: (905) 940-8700

Fax: (905) 940-8785

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.wilsonvukelich.com

Wilson, Vukelich

At Wilson, Vukelich we believe in placing our focus where it
belongs, on our clients. We address the legal needs of your
business with strategically sound, pro-active and cost-effective
advice and services. Our client base includes entrepreneurs,
owner-operated enterprises, privately-held companies as well as a
number of Canada's largest and best known businesses. Our
clients have the benefit of our combined total of more than 75
years of Bay Street legal expertise in most aspects of business
law including: computer and technology (including intellectual
property protection, technology transfers and software
development, licensing and distribution agreements), tax,
corporate, commercial, corporate finance, litigation, banking,
bankruptcy and insolvency.
Awards: Markham Board of Trade 1998 Award for High Standards and
Working Conditions.

Company Details

Year Established: 1990

Number of Employees: 32

Company Information

Leslie A. White
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 940-0516
Fax: (905) 940-8785
Email: Click Here

Jennifer Hill
Title: Receptionist
Telephone: (905) 940-8700
Fax: (905) 940-8785
Email: Click Here

Avi Goldstein
Telephone: (905) 940-8700
Fax: (905) 940-8785
Email: Click Here


Legal Service