Whitepath Consulting and Counselling

Address: 3-250 Sherbrooke St
Peterborough, ON K9J 2N4

Mailling Address: 3-250 Sherbrooke St
Peterborough, ON K9J 2N4

Phone: (705) 740-2003

Toll Free: 1(888) 887-7981

Fax: (705) 740-2055

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.whitepathconsulting.com

Whitepath Consulting and Counselling

Develop Aboriginal specific programs along with training for implementation. TheRedPath programs include Emotion Management, Pre-Employment, Violence Prevention and Addictions Treatment. Perform research in the areas of gambling, emotional and social competencies, homelessness, violence, substance abuse etc. Provide EAP, individual, and group counselling and program intervention. Provide access to Aboriginal ceremonies and Spiritual advisors and Elders.

Company Details

Year Established: 2001

Total Sales ($CDN): $200,000 - $500,000

Number of Employees: 5

Company Information

Peggy Shaughnessy
Title: Owner
Telephone: (705) 740-2003
Fax: (705) 740-2055
Email: Click Here


Aboriginal Programs


Research And Social Services Aboriginal specific programs; research on emotions; workshops on emotions; working with federal Aboriginal offenders; social service work

Training Training to deliver Aboriginal specific and culturally appropriate programs (TheRedPath) in Emotion Management, Violence Prevention, Pre-Employment and Addcitions Treatment.