Western Corrosion Technologies Inc.

Mailling Address: 250 - 815 - 8th Ave SW
Calgary, AB T2P 3P2

Phone: (403) 517-2200

Toll Free: 1(877) 928-7473

Fax: (403) 265-6338

Email: Click Here

Website: http://www.westerncorrosion.com

Western Corrosion Technologies Inc.

Western Corrosion Technologies Inc. (WCT) established in 2000 is a Calgary based internal corrosion consulting company specializing in the oil and gas pipeline sector. In April 2004 WCT acquired CorrosionWatch Inc. (CW) est. 1997 to further enhance its pipeline management process.

WCTs main focus is to provide its customers with quality pipeline data and a software solution for pipeline data storage and internal risk assessment. WCTs future growth is in recurring revenue from database management and software application maintenance.

Since incorporation, WCT has experienced rapid revenue growth, profit, and has established itself as the industry leader with great market share in the pipeline risk assessment industry with the most the widely used software application.

Company Details

Company Information

Allan P.T. Bouwers
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (403) 517-2200
Fax: (403) 265-6338
Email: Click Here


