Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization

Address: 120 Veterinary Rd.
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E3

Mailling Address: 120 Veterinary Rd.
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E3

Phone: (306) 966-7465

Fax: (306) 966-7478

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



VIDO is a non-profit research institute located at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Established in
1975 through a grant provided by the Devonian Foundation
(Calgary, Alberta), the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta and
the University of Saskatchewan, VIDO's mandate remains 'To Serve
the livestock and poultry industry by conducting animal health-
related research, communicate livestock management techniques and information, and facilitate the transfer of technology for
international commercial development'.

As a financially self-reliant organization, VIDO is reliant upon
on-going funding from the livestock and poultry industry,
governments, charitable foundations, federal and provincial
granting agencies, industry contracts and private donations. This
funding supports a 50,000 square foot research facility, a 160
acre research farm, specific pathogen-free isolation facilities,
and state of the art virology, bacteriology, biochemistry and
immunology laboratories. VIDO supports quality research,
attracts quality people and provides quality service through its
60-70 member human resource team; a cross-functional team
comprised of 30 plus veterinarians or scientists with advanced

VIDO strives to be recognized as an international biotechnology
leader in the development of innovative vaccines and vaccine
delivery systems, and to be a preferred partner in the
development and commercialization of products for use by the
animal food industry. VIDO currently holds in excess of 30
patents, with another 15 pending. VIDO, in pursuit of this
vision, seeks to retain relevancy to it's stakeholders, remain
leaders in product discovery and strives for excellence in
establishing partnerships at all levels of the industry
(producers, governments, universities, biopharmaceutical
companies and other research institutions in the
biopharmaceutical industry.)

VIDO seeks collaborative opportunities with scientists and
organizations in both the private and public sectors, and
welcomes inquiries regarding potential relationships in any area
of animal health research.

Company Details

Year Established: 1975

Number of Employees: 70

Company Information

Sherri Hueser
Title: Secretary
Telephone: (306) 966-7465
Fax: (306) 966-7478
Email: Click Here

Andy Potter
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (306) 966-7465
Fax: (306) 966-7478
Email: Click Here

Lorne Babiuk
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (306) 966-7465
Fax: (306) 966-7478
Email: Click Here



VIDO's efforts in molecular biology and genetic engineering include: * vectored vaccine technologies * gene expression technologies * antigen identification * cellular immunology and assessment thereof


S32 * provides information, printed and otherwise, to animal food industry; veterinarians and producers. * collaborates in research endeavors with external parties; undertakes contract research for biopharmaceutical companies and other external stakeholders. * undertakes disease investigations and develops 'animal models' for controlled research. * investigates host-pathogen relationships; disease pathogenesis.
