VIASAT Go-Technologie Inc.

Address: 4101, rue Molson
Bureau 400
Montreal, QC H1Y 3L1

Mailling Address: 4101, rue Molson
Bureau 400
Montreal, QC H1Y 3L1

Phone: (514) 495-6500

Toll Free: (888) 495-6501

Fax: (514) 495-4191

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


VIASAT GeoTechnologies

VIASAT Go-Technologie inc. was founded in 1991 and its head office is located in Montral. Since its inception, the enterprise has established itself firmly in the industry and has enjoyed stable growth. The bases for VIASAT's success are quality service, competence and professional development, as well as technological innovation.

VIASAT's activities have always been linked to technological development. This approach was favoured from the beginning with the aim of facilitating, standardizing and speeding up the processing of spatial reference data when fulfilling their mandates. This philosophy has enabled them to acquire enviable experience in implementing innovative solutions.

VIASAT has been funded by Qubec's Programme de recherche et de dveloppement en transport (PRDT) and Fonds de dveloppement technologique (FDT) (Synergie program) and the federal Environmental Innovation Program.

The increasing scope of these activities has led to the creation of a software development division. This division now encompasses a large part of VIASAT's resources. VIASAT is now able to offer both products and services in the geomatics field. In the coming years, VIASAT's mission will be firmly focused on providing quality services in each area of geomatics as well as on developing products adapted to user needs in this new field.

Viasat possesses the following certifications:

metrication of topographic data by the Canada Centre for Mapping, 1993; NTDB (National Topographic Data Base) data structuring at scales of 1:50,000 and 1:250,000 by the Canada Centre for Geomatics, 1994;
NTDB map updating and field completion by the Canada Centre for Geomatics, 1994; Production of satellite ortho-images and planimetric correction by the Canada Centre for Geomatics, 1994.

In addition to these accomplishments, VIASAT belongs to the following organizations:

member, Conseil des entreprises de Levs du Qubec inc. (CELECQ); member, Geomatics Industry Association of Canada.

Company Details

Year Established: 1991

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 60

Company Information

Denis Parrot
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 495-6500
Fax: (514) 495-4191
Email: Click Here

Pierre Vincent
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 495-6500
Fax: (514) 495-4191
Email: Click Here

Claude Levasseur
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 495-6500
Fax: (514) 495-4191
Email: Click Here

Magella Bouchard
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 495-6500
Fax: (514) 495-4191
Email: Click Here


Positag 2 Systems.


Connaissance, Reprsentation Et Gestion Du Territoire Cartographie de base Cartographie cadastrale Cartographie Imagerie satellitaire Photogrammtrie par satellite Modle numrique de terrain Mise jour de donnes gospatiales Inventaire forestier Plan dintervention

Suivi Des Changements Environnementaux Et De Ltat Des Ressources Naturelles Vgtation Agriculture Urbanisation Eau Air Sol Climat

Inventaire Et Gestion Des Infrastructures Et Des Quipements Sur Le Territoire Infrastructure des rseaux de tlcommunications Infrastructure des rseaux de transport dnergie Mobilier urbain Mobilier transport Services publics

Implantation Et Maintenance Des Rseaux De Tlcommunications Et Dnergie Patrouille de rayonnement/captage (Cblodistribution) Recherche et analyse de sites (Tlphonie sans fil, Systmes point-multipoints) Tests sur route 'Drive Tests' (Tlphonie sans fil) Production de donnes cartographiques 'Clutters, 3D, etc.' (Tlphonie sans fil) Relevs de sites (Tlphonie sans fil, Systmes point- multipoints) Choix des tracs de lignes de transport d'nergie Entretien de corridors de lignes de transport d'nergie Surveillance des pipelines et des gazoducs

Oprations Mobiles Sur Le Terrain Guidage des oprations forestires Agriculture de prcision Gestion sur le terrain des bons de travail Aide la rpartition des services durgence Aide la scurit publique