Urban Systems Ltd.

Address: 100-2886 Sunridge Way N.E.
Calgary, AB T1Y 7H9

Mailling Address: 100-2886 Sunridge Way N.E.
Calgary, AB T1Y 7H9

Phone: (403) 291-1193

Fax: (403) 291-1374

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.urban-systems.com

Urban Systems Ltd.

Consulting Fees: $13.0 million annually; Employees: 170 permanent

Urban Systems Ltd. is a multidisciplinary consulting firm of engineers, planners and landscape architects, offering environmental planning and engineering solutions to public and private sector clients. The firm was founded in 1975 and has six offices in Alberta and British Columbia, offering services to Canadian and International based clients.

Urban Systems Ltd. specializes in cost-effective solutions to domestic water, wastewater, drainage and environmental impact projects. Our range of services includes feasibility studies, pre-design evaluations, environmental assessments, detailed design, construction administration and project management. The firm has been involved in several environmentally related research projects and has acted as the coordinating consultant on environmental impact assessments.

The Urban Systems Ltd. team of engineers, planners and landscape architects works together to provide integrated environmental, community and regional planning services. This team approach results in a dynamic, cost efficient service that meets the highest of standards for our industry.

In addition to our strong Western Canada focus, Urban Systems Ltd. has been involved in several projects in other countries. We have partnered with complementary consultant teams to provide a comprehensive approach to this client base.

Company Details

Company Information

Terry Gowing
Title: Managing Partner
Telephone: (403) 291-1193
Fax: (403) 291-1374
Email: Click Here

Cameron Gatey
Title: Manager
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (403) 291-1193
Fax: (403) 291-1374
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Filtration Trenches.
While roads, sidewalks and rooftops are essential components to urban development, they are also highly efficient pollutant collectors and transport systems. Automobile emissions, road salts, organics (plant/animal waste) and toxic chemicals (paints, fertilizers, etc.) all have a tendency to collect in these areas and if not dealt with properly, end up in streams, lakes and wells. All it takes is rain and a poorly managed storm water system. A simple, low-cost, low maintenance system is available, however, to substantially reduce the environmental impacts of this source of pollution. Filtration trenches, consisting of perforated pipe encased in a semipermeable sock buried in a bed of granular media (usually sand and gravel) can be employed to collect and treat the contaminated rainwater before it enters the storm sewers. Urban Systems Ltd. has a very strong background in the area of storm water management, and can provide design and implementation assistance for projects ranging in size from office parking lots to entire cities.

Use Of Reclaimed Water.
In many communities both urban and rural water demands are predominantly attributable to irrigation. This means that tremendous effort and capital is spent on implementing water systems that have to deliver high quality water in large enough quantities for both domestic consumption and irrigation. An effective solution to this dilemma is to utilize reclaimed water for the purposes of irrigation. There have been many successful implementations of such dual delivery systems (one for potable and another for irrigation water) throughout North America. Urban Systems Ltd. can develop a custom system to best suit a community. Experience in the areas of water and wastewater management has given the competence and the resources to complete the task.

Slow Sand Filtration.
Typically, small communities (between 25-10,000 persons), supplied mostly with surface waters and some ground waters, are at significant risk of being exposed to waterborne viral or bacteriological breakthrough. As economics usually governs levels of source water treatments, most of these areas are faced with 'Boil water advisories'. Relatively low capital and operating costs and simplicity make slow sand filtration a very attractive option for small communities. Urban Systems Ltd. will provide engineering services for design and implementation phases including feasibility and life cycle cost analyses for complete slow sand filter plant installations.
