Sleeman Unibroue Quebec

Address: 80, rue Des Carrires
Chambly, QC J3L 2H6

Mailling Address: 80, rue Des Carrires
Chambly, QC J3L 2H6

Phone: (450) 658-7658

Toll Free: 1(888) 628-2768

Fax: (450) 658-9195

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Unibroue Inc.

BLANCHE DE CHAMBLY - 1997 gold medal - 1996 best white
in the world + gold medal.

MAUDITE - 1997 gold medal - 1996 gold medal - 1995 gold medal.

LA FIN DU MONDE - 1997 gold medal - 1996 platinum medal - 1995
platinum medal.

RAFTMAN - 1997 gold medal - 1996 silver medal - 1995 gold medal.

LA GAILLARDE - 1997 gold medal - 1996 gold medal.

QUELQUE CHOSE - 1997 gold medal - 1996 platinum medal.

EAU BNITE - 1997 silver medal.

Company Details

Year Established: 1991

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 75

Company Information

Andr Dion
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (450) 658-7658

John S. Bailey
Title: Directeur Gnral
Telephone: (450) 658-7658
Fax: (450) 658-9195
Email: Click Here


Lager /Beer/


Beverages, Alcoholic
