Turn Around Production, Ltd.

Address: 11-2200 Varsity Estates Dr. N.W.
Calgary, AB T3B 4Z8

Mailling Address: 11-2200 Varsity Estates Dr. N.W.
Calgary, AB T3B 4Z8

Phone: (403) 605-8539

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.tapit.ca

Turn Around Production, Ltd.

Turn Around Production Ltd. (TAP) provides customized new media
communication services to the private and public sectors
specializing in the delivery of educational materials. These
services will provide clients with several advantages: greater
message retention, efficiency of message delivery, more effective
internal and external communications, and increased sales.
Alongside these advantages, TAP's services will allow clients to
enjoy a decrease in costs, expenditures, and time devoted to
internal and external communications. To this end, TAP will
market, develop, implement, and deliver the following
services:Virtual Tours/QuickTime Virtual Reality; Custom
educational software/ Interactive CourseWare

Company Details

Year Established: 1997

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Sean Hannah
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (403) 605-8539
Fax: (403) 286-0357
Email: Click Here


Interactive Multimedia

Computer Based Training Computer Based Training (CBT) applications are geared specifically to enhance learning, management, communication, and work performance. Combining all media available, CBT applications allow for not only active training manuals but also access to procedure, diagrams, and safety standards, to name a few possibilities, at the click of a mouse. Corporate Instruction applications fill the niche that was once occupied by overheads and slide shows. Now animations, interactive group tasks, and active learning devices can be delivered in the lecture or seminar setting. It has been found that this type of learning enhances retention and interest.

Computer Managed Instruction Computer Managed Instruction (CMI) applications allow the educator to institute computer based education. The computer can 'manage' the educational process by creating statistics, give readouts on what the user has taken, what he has not taken and what he is having difficulty with. Not only does the application receive input but it generates feedback to the user or instructor. CMI is especially desirable for teaching skills that are difficult to visualize or creating a hands on training environment. CMI has proven to be a cost effective and useful alternative to traditional teaching methods.

Virtual Tours/ Quicktime Virtual Reality Turn Around Production is the leading producer in Western Canada of Virtual Tours for the Travel and Tourism, and Real Estate industries. QTVR panoramas let a user view a scene, like a room or outdoor vista, from a variety of angles that rivals actually being there. A full panorama pans 360 degrees giving the user the illusion of standing in the middle of the scene. Up to 256 panoramas can be combined in one scene; the user can navigate through the different panoramas by clicking on embeded hotspots. For example: an internet user access a QTVR tour of the hotel he is interested in staying at. Beginning in the lobby he can view a panorama of a suite by clicking on the elevator; he can click on the front door to view a wonderful rooftop panorama of local sights; and/or he can click on the registration desk where he can reserve a room! The user can easily navigate throughout the entire scene. Visit our site to see examples and get further information!!