Parekh Training and Research Inc.

Address: 15 Welkin Cres.
Nepean, ON K2E 5M4

Mailling Address: 15 Welkin Cres.
Nepean, ON K2E 5M4

Phone: (613) 727-1983

Fax: (613) 727-1983

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Training and Development Associates

Established in 1985

Cross-cultural Training: nternational Transition and Adaptation: Provide generic and customized programs and country-specific briefings and orientation. Programs for international business negotiations and for ex-pats and families.

Workplace Diversity: Managing diversity, Bias-free Selection, Organizational culture scan, strategies for
institutionalizing diversity, effective cross-cultural
communication, selling to and serving a diverse clientele.

Conflict Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Negotiations Skills

Project management of local, national and international projects.

Company Details

Year Established: 1985

Number of Employees: 1

Company Information

Navin Parekh
Title: President
Telephone: (613) 727-1983
Fax: (613) 224-1427


Training, Consulting, Research