Superna Business Consulting Inc.

Address: 106 - 290 Picton Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8P8

Mailling Address: 106 - 290 Picton Ave
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8P8

Phone: (613) 725-2229

Fax: (613) 792-1677

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Superna Business Consulting Inc.

Superna Business Consulting is a North American-based consulting
company that provides planning and implementation support
services. Our focus is exclusively on the telecom and IT sectors
including service providers, enterprises and information
technology development clients around the world. Superna's
resources have broad and deep experience as senior managers from
well-recognized firms in the industry.

Company Details

Company Information

John Mccarthy
Title: President
Telephone: (613) 725-2229
Fax: (613) 236-9312
Email: Click Here

Alan Zurakowski
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 565-8195
Fax: (613) 236-9312
Email: Click Here

Daniel Curtin
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (613) 733-6895
Fax: (613) 565-8213
Email: Click Here


Business Consulting

Business Case Development

Market Planning

Telecommunications Implementation Support