Kelsar, Inc.

Address: 321-372 Rideau St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 1G7

Mailling Address: 321-372 Rideau St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 1G7

Phone: (613) 265-7472

Fax: (613) 233-8807

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Company Details

Company Information

Vinai Kashyap
Title: Data Provider
Telephone: (613) 265-7472
Fax: (613) 744-1482
Email: Click Here




Pide pIDE - Project Integrated Development Environment. It is the leading Outsourced Project Management and Process Control software. It has tools to manage a distributed team, and to define customizable, and extensible processes to manage a development project. The 'brains' of the software is the Process Controller (PC) which is an AI engine that intelligently aggregates modules (called Worklets) that aid workproduct creation, collaboration, data gathering and storage, and harvesting process information. Because the PC is process aware, it is able to automate tasks, and disemminate intelligent project specific knowledge to users. It is based on CMM SEI, ISO and PMBOK standards, and its built in AI helps companies to adopt best of breed processes for managing their projects. It helps them to choose the best methodology, standards and guidelines to build a process framework, and to control and improve their software development process. It enforces rules for software development, facilitates different views of the project, and helps the project team analyse and improve their process, thereby creating a knowledge repository. Efficient reuse and economizing on their process helps cut costs and boost productivity. WORKLETS are integrated with the PC that help in efficiently managing an outsourced project. These are both in-house and third party tools that help in collaboration and enforcing the process - most important for controlling an outsourced or distributed project. SERVICES come bundled with pIDE, which will help cut down development costs even further. An auction portal for services allows a project or a part of it to be completed by highly qualified sub-contractors registered with kelsar. These are highly referencable companies and consultants from all over the world, highly trained in our methodology and having worked on a wide variety of projects. Please visit for more information.