Spark Digital Marketing, Corp.

Address: 9537-118th St.
Delta, BC V4C 6J3

Mailling Address: 9537-118th St.
Delta, BC V4C 6J3

Phone: (604) 585-6865

Toll Free: (866) 585-6865

Fax: (604) 585-6855

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Spark Internet Marketing

Company Details

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Company Information

Steve Lam
Title: President
Telephone: (604) 585-6865
Fax: (604) 585-6855
Email: Click Here

Michael Van Voorst Vader
Title: Vice President
Area of Responsibility: Manufacturing/Production/Operations
Telephone: (604) 585-6865
Fax: (604) 585-6855
Email: Click Here


Internet Marketing

Search Engine Marketing Online searchers represent the 'buying' segment of your target audience - those who have the greatest inclination to 'listen' or to 'buy' products, services, and information. We develop 'pull' marketing programs enhancing the strength of your online presence to caputure motivated and targeted leads using search engines to source out your solutions. Our programs enable your online presence to be an independent marketing medium and business unit operating without geographic boundaries and around the clock.