Agriculture and Agri-food Canada

Address: 1391 Sandford St
London, ON N5V 4T3

Mailling Address: 1391 Sandford St
London, ON N5V 4T3

Phone: (519) 457-1470

Fax: (519) 457-3997

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Southern Crop Protection & Food Research Centre

SCPFRC conducts scientific research and develops technologies to promote agricultural practices which maximize production while minimizing environmental risk and promoting soil quality. Our research centre has extensive national and international collaborations with universities and other governments. We work in partnership with farming organizations, chemical companies, and biosolid treatment companies to develop solutions to practical problems. Our results contribute to the development of regulations and recommended practices by other federal and provincial organizations.
With our Matching Investment Initiative, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Research Branch is aggressively pursuing collaborations with industry partners.

Company Details

Company Information

Ed Topp
Telephone: (519) 457-1470
Fax: (519) 457-3997
Email: Click Here

Stephanie Hilton
Title: Manager
Telephone: (519) 457-1470
Fax: (519) 457-3997
Email: Click Here

Dan Brown
Title: Manager
Telephone: (519) 457-1470
Fax: (519) 457-3997
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Dna Techniques To Assess Response Of Soil Microbial Communities To Pesticides; Pesticide-degrading Bacteria Are Being Isolated For Bioremediation.
Molecular techniques are being explored to assess changes in soil microbial communities following contamination, and as end-point assessment tools for remediation. Briefly, DNA is extracted from soils and PCR techniques are used to develop fingerprints and sequences for profiling communities and identifying individual components of the community. Various pesticide-degrading bacteria (particularly the triazine herbicides) are being isolated and investigated for bioremediation, particularly with respect to traits which contribute to bioremediation competence.
