Sharma Kanish & Associates Inc.
Sharma Kanish & Associates can help you to develop a plan to resolve your debt issues without the need for a legal trustee or court action. Often, when the number of creditors is small, an informal proposal is the most advantageous and cost effective way
to resolve debtor insolvency for all parties. We will work with you prepare a proposal which meets the needs of all parties without the added legal complexities and expenses.
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Anil Sharma
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(416) 975-9292
(416) 975-9275
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Trustee In Bankruptcy
Consulting Engagement also known as Viability Assessment for insolvent businesses, is now a common practice initiated by either the secured creditors, such as banks or alert debtors. An experienced professional like Sharma Kanish & Associates Inc. if engaged in the early stages, is often able to identify problem areas that have not been recognized and come up with recommendations that greatly increase the chances of providing a viable solution
and improve performance and recovery.
Typically Sharma Kanish & Associates Inc. will do such assessments from both a financial and practical perspective. We are geared to take such assignments, do the investigation and report on the debtor's affairs with a minimum of delay. Where appropriate, we will work with management in preparing a comprehensive action. We can also assist the business in formulating proposals involving either new debt or equity, or compromises of unsecured creditor debt. If required, we can assist secured creditors in assessing the value of its security and the
debtor's viability.
If the business can be rescued, the creditor's position is protected and enhanced, the debtor's operations are improved and from the lenders perspective, a satisfactory performing customer is retained. If the debtor is not viable,
the analysis contained in our report will help justify the secured creditor's crystallization of its security. Often we are also
able to secure the debtor's cooperation in an orderly wind up of the business and thereby realize an improved recovery.