Address: 7279 Cartier St.
Montreal, QC H2E 2J3

Mailling Address: P.O. Box 37301 RPO Marquette
Montreal, QC H2E 3B5

Phone: (514) 728-5229

Fax: (514) 728-5229

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here



We offer our local and international clients solutions related
with: 1) executive language training, workplace manpower
training and interactive courses for sustainable, transferable
skills and knowledge; 2) translation, proofreading and web
editing of official and confidential documentation; 3) market
research and information on foreign (European) opportunities;
and 4) cross-cultural and diversity training for exporters.

Company Details

Year Established: 1999

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 1

Company Information

Krassi Lozanova
Title: Owner
Area of Responsibility: Finance/Accounting
Telephone: (514) 728-5229
Fax: (514) 728-5229
Email: Click Here


Applied Natural Languages

Syntaksys Lifelong Language Training : Applied English and French for special purposes(ESP): scientific,IT, commercial or cultural; English and French as Canadian official languages for entrepreneurs, professionals and executives. Bulgarian for 2nd generation settlers and for North American exporters to European Union, present and future members.