Gordon Rowland

Address: 715-2025 Othello Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1G 3R4

Mailling Address: 715-2025 Othello Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1G 3R4

Phone: (613) 276-3379

Fax: (613) 276-3338

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Rowland & Associates

Company Details

Year Established: 1995

Company Information

Gordon Rowland
Title: Owner
Telephone: (613) 276-3379
Fax: (613) 276-3338
Email: Click Here


Computer Technical Support

Software Training Individual or group training in office applications, publishing software, graphics applications and website development-- including authoring tools, HTML, JavaScript and Active Server Pages. Specializing in individual customized training sessions designed to address specific client requirements.

Database Design Specializing in Microsoft Access database design and website integration through Active Server Pages.