RQL Consulting

Address: 6576, rue Legault
Orlans, ON K1C 2Z1

Mailling Address: 6576, rue Legault
Orlans, ON K1C 2Z1

Phone: (613) 841-6729

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

RQL Consulting

RQL Consulting is a small consulting firm founded by a peace
officer and an accreditated teacher.

Our mission, based on Research, Quality and Leadership, is to
improve the competencies related to investigations, by offering
analysis, development, learning and evaluation services in a
consulting setting to private and governmental enterprises

Company Details

Year Established: 2001

Total Sales ($CDN): $1 - $100,000

Number of Employees: 2

Company Information

Raymond Duquette
Title: Propritaire
Telephone: (613) 841-6576
Email: Click Here



Training Learning programs and courses in the following fields: Judicial System, Communication, Problem Solving, Human Resources, Information Management and Investigations.

Analysis We offer a training and learning needs analysis service. This service may contribute to long term development, to define and solve problems and to elaborate strategies.

Evaluation We offer a service of quality evaluation of your investigative services or other products. As such, this service is a quality fitness test for your products and services.