RPA Engineering Inc
RPA Engineering Inc.
Product & Process Development Engineering Service
Specialized in helping businesses and entrepreneurs develop new products and processes and renew old ones.
Company Details
Year Established:
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Robert Amborsky
Area of Responsibility:
(204) 792-2203
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B) Process Development
C) Project Management
You already know what technology you want or you have a development project in mind and you need someone to manage it full time. Given your projects time, scope and resource constraints, let RPA Engineering help you:
Develop and manage the plan.
Develop requests for quote.
Select and manage technical & trade resources.
Track the progress, costs and provide regular reports.
Oversee the design of your new products, processes, and equipment.
Oversee the installation of new technology and equipment.
Assist with your products qualifications at your customer's facility.
A) Product Development
RPA Engineering Incs staff has been in the business of innovation, research and development for over 20 years. With your direction, working with your people, RPA can help you:
meet your customers expectations,
assist in the development of new market opportunities,
plan your capital investments,
develop new technology and
integrate existing technology into your facility.
RPA does this with services like:
Customer needs analysis
Moderate customer meetings
Manufacturing cost analysis
Product profit modeling and analysis
In-house brain storming sessions
Patent preparation & review
Product rapid proto-type design & build
Material selection & testing.
Product testing.
Regulator requirement analysis and documentation.
Formal Systems for Innovation Management.
Let RPA be a part in your success by:
Providing focused personnel to speed the process
Challenging your ideas through rigorous testing and analysis to uncover all the strengths and weaknesses of the ideas before making a large financial commitment.
Helping you plan a route through the roadblocks of product development.
G) Emergency Responce Planning
Emergency Response Planning
In addition to the local fire department requirements, your Provincial Environmental licence requires that you have and maintain an emergency response plan. RPA Engineering can help you create or upgrade your emergency response plan to meet regulatory requirements and match your companies particular abilities. We can also link it into your ISO system if needed.
D) Machine Design
From basic mechanical jigs & fixtures, to integrating new technology with existing equipment in your plant, to designing entire processing lines, RPA Engineering can help you with all your machine design needs. We can reduce the risks associated with new designs by proving the machine out on paper before building it or with proto-typing. We can also help you link pieces of equipment together to streamline your process. The following outlines some of the machine design experience we have.
RPAs services bring it all together.
Stress analysis
Strength of materials.
Dynamic analysis with modeling.
Linear & rotary motion control. (Robotics)
PID thermal control.
Operator interfaces.
Component/material use & selection.
Component/product manufacturing methods
Hydraulics and Pneumatics.
F) Problem & Decision Analysis
Problem Analysis
You have a problem that is not going away and you feel you are going around in circles. Let RPA Engineering, with a new perspective, help you solve your problem using analytical methods:
Kepner Tregoe methods
Data acquisition and analysis tools (Excel, JMP)
to determine the root cause of your:
Process failure.
Product quality issues.
Equipment failure.
Product failure at your Customers facility.
Supplier raw material problems.
Then, working with your people, apply resolution planning & implementation.
Decision Analysis
You have a big choice to make and want to limit the risk. RPA can help you and your staff
clarify the purpose,
evaluate the alternatives,
access the risk;
putting everything in front of you so that you can make an informed decision.
Potential Problem Analysis
You have plans and want to make sure they progress with minimal problems during their implementation. RPA can assist you to
identify potential problems,
identify the likely causes,
take preventative action,
plan contingent action,
set trigger points in the plan where the actions happen.
E) Web Handling & Processing
RPA has over 12 years experience and expertise in the handling and processing of material in web form.
Printing Coating & Drying
Silicone release
Hotmelt, acrylic & rubber PS adhesive
Gravure printing & coating
Spay nozzle
High speed rotary
Web Packaging
Pancake roll winding
Spool winding
Web guiding and handling
Guiding, turning bars
Idler rollers
Tension controls
Phase lock systems
Automatic splicers
Thermal splicing
Roll handling
Core chucks
Down enders
Clamp trucks
Laminating & welding
Coloured & clear substrates
Hot & cold process rolls
Dry adhesive laminating
Ultra-sonic welding
Metal foil
Heat sealable films
I) Innovation Project Management Systems
Innovation and development of new products and processes can be difficult and costly unless we focus on those new products that have the highest chance of generating a return for our investment.
RPA Engineering has developed simple methods and tools to prioritize, manage and monitor innovation and development projects, based on the ideas of Robert G. Copper, Donald G. Reinertsen, & Preston G. Smith in their respective books Winning at New Products, Developing Products in Half the Time & The Design Factory.
Working with your R&D manager RPA can help you develop a:
Stage & Gate process to create focus.
Document system to store and retrieve what is learned.
Project portfolio reviews to keep every one up to speed.
H) Npri Reporting
National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
If you are printing or applying coatings, you probably have to report to NPRI and Manitoba Conservation on a regular basis. If your staff runs around for two weeks every time a report is due, RPA Engineering can help you. RPA will set up an accounting system for your reportable substances and link it to a report that just needs printing each time you have to report freeing up your staff to focus on value added tasks.
J) Associates
Dennis Chen, MSc. Chemistry, 1967
Mr. Chen has over 35 years of experience managing professional and technical staff and 20 years nuclear industry experience in radiochemistry. His responsibility and expertise include radiochemical analysis and instrument development. He has developed automated instrumentation for the quantitative determination of alpha, gamma and beta emitting isotopes.
Andy Gerwing, BSc.Chemistry, 1969
Mr. Gerwing has 28 years experience in analytical chemistry in the nuclear industry and co-ordinated the development of a viewing device to verify spent nuclear fuel in storage locations worldwide. His skills include, training, computer programming, instrument interfacing & database systems, underpinning in analytical chemistry. His has experience with, electron microscopy, computer modeling, x-ray photoelectron spectrometer, absorption spectrometry, ion chromatography, radiochemical analysis, gravimetry, titrimetry and electrochemical sensors.
Dennis A. Parcey, BSc. Chemistry & Computer Science 1981
Mr. Parcey has 21 years experience in software development, and software project management. He has a wide range of experience in scientific and control system development working for Atomic Energy of Canada, Interprovincial Pipeline Ltd and Alcan Ltd. He is experience with; C++, Visual Basic and Fortran programming; object oriented design and development; MS Office development including Word, Excel, and Access; and CSA N286.7 software development standards
Brian Wilcox P.Eng, BSc. Computer Engineering 1998 & Electronic Engineering Technology 1990
Mr. Wilcox has over 14 years experience in instrument design, software development, data acquisition and control systems, and imaging applications. He has a broad range of design experience including PC-based instruments, extreme environment packaging, microcontroller systems and software development.
Don Pansier, BSc Industrial Engineering
Mr. Pansier has extensive knowledge of the packaging industry and many years of service as the president of Amplas Packaging Equipment. He is a specialist at custom designing high-speed packaging equipment.
Mark Matthewson CA 1976
Mr. Mattheson has over 29 years experience specializes in, business management, finance, and accounting & management reporting. His primary experience is in; general & strategic management; financial & MIS management; manufacturing; retail and service Industries; and biotech start-up.
Ron Ade, Bachelor of Laws 1977
Mr. Ade has practiced in the area of technology, intellectual property, information technology and computer law for 19 years, representing companies in those area as well as their general corporate and commercial matters. In addition to advising on trademark, software development, franchising and general corporate and commercial matters, he has developed technology and exploitation strategies for companies and assisted them in implementing those strategies through the negotiation of transfers and licenses. Ron has actively participated in securing capital from lenders, private investors, and venture capital, funds for a variety of the firm's technology- based Clients.