
3618, rue Jonathan, Laval, QC

Inforex was founded in May of 1996 by the senior specialist in technological information at the Quebec Industrial Research Center (CRIQ) in Montreal. Inforex provides a highly specialized expertise in scientific, technological, industrial and ...


1090 De Grand-Pr St, Laval, QC

Custom application development, Web sites building, database design, business needs analysis, technical consultation & support, networks installation & configuration, ...


433, boul. Saint-Martin O., Laval, QC

Prsentation d INFOSERV INFOSERV inc. est une entreprise de services en technologie de linformation fonde en 1982. Sa mission est daccompagner une clientle ducationnelle, gouvernementale, institutionnelle, commerciale, industrielle et ...

Ingnierie Applique aux Tlcoms

561, rue Joachim, Laval, QC

Innovation RH inc.

1555, boul. de L'Avenir Bureau 306, Laval, QC

Innovation RH inc. est un partenaire daffaires en gestion des ressources humaines et gestion de carrire. Nous intervenons auprs des entreprises afin damliorer leur productivit, leur efficacit et leur comptitivit en optimisant leurs ressources ...

Innovit Inc.

800-2550 Daniel-Johnson Blvd, Laval, QC

Management Consulting Services Health and Safety Management consulting

INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier

531, boul. des Prairies, Laval, QC

Environmental problems: Environmental problems caused by organic pollutants count among our Center's main preoccupations. The purpose of several ongoing research programs involving multidisciplinary teams of professors and students is to find practical ...

Integrated information vertex (i2v) Inc.

113-3621 Laval Hwy W., Laval, QC

I2V offers you a reliable, single point of contact solution for each and every one of your IS/IT needs. Our comprehensive offerings include strategic consulting, infrastructure solutions, research and development, web services and consulting.

Internet Development Research Center Inc.

2473 Saint-Martin Blvd. E. Suite 201, Laval, QC