Progress Ukrainian Catholic News
We are a Ukrainian Catholic Newspaper and have received various
letters of recommendation for our format and content. We aim to
a younger audience of teenagers and young families. We are the
official voice of our Ukrainian Catholic hierarchy.
Progress-Postup is a Ukrainian Catholic newspaper of the Winnipeg
Archeparchy. It provides teachings of the Holy Father and the
Ukrainian Catholic Church Hierarchy.
It presents parish life and activities of Ukrainian Catholic
families and organizations in the Archeparchy of Winnipeg.
It reports significant events and occurences in the Ukrainian
Catholic Church in other parts of Canada, in Ukraine, and in
other countries.
Current Geographic Marketing Avtivity
Most of our subscribers are in Manitoba, but we have subscribers
in all provinces of Canada, in United States, Ukraine,
Great Britain, France, Rome, Australia and Brazil.
Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$1 - $100,000
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Lydia Firman
(204) 334-4826
(204) 339-4006
Click Here
Newspapers, Complete Copies, Unbound
Books & Pamphlets, English Only, Nes /Smiling Through Tears
The story of Father Semen Izyk in Second World War prison camps
and his life in Canada as a Parish Priest, Editor of Progress-
Postup, Radio & T.V. Host.
Printed Matter Nes
Envelopes, Not Printed
Advertising Matter, Printed Nes
Ukrainian Books & Pamphlets Other Than English, Nes
Humourous, satirical antecdotes written in Ukrainian Canadian