Brinley Consulting & Training Ltd.

Address: 223-1025 Grenon Ave.
Ottawa, ON K2B 8S5

Mailling Address: 223-1025 Grenon Ave.
Ottawa, ON K2B 8S5

Phone: (613) 829-4578

Toll Free: 1(877) 714-1499

Fax: (613) 820-9738

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Power Link Dynamics

Carlson Performax Consultant and Distributor of The Carlson
Learning Company Programs. Performance Improvement Specialist.
Working with people to improve their communication skills, time
management and to utilize their leadership ability. Certifide
Trainer and Facilitator delivering employee assessment, customer
service and management training seminars. Member of the faculty
of Algonquin College where I teach Management Functions,
Customer Service and Business Ethics. Member of The Canadian
Association of Management Consultants.

Company Details

Year Established: 1999

Number of Employees: 3

Company Information

Brian Smith
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 829-4578
Fax: (613) 820-9738
Email: Click Here


Training & Consulting

Performance Improvement Training and Consulting, as a trainer working with people to improve their communication skills, work more efficently and to utilize their leadership ability. As a consultant working with owner/operators to review their systems and proceedures to make sure they are getting the best return on their investment.

Behavioural Assessment Behavioural Assessment programs to use as a pre-screening program to evaluate perspective new employees or to use as a team building exercise to assess the strengths and opportunities of individual team members. Understanding your own behavior and why you react the way you do in a given situation is the key to understanding others.You can then use that understanding to develop your interpersonal skills and improve the way you communicate with people.