Pigging Technology International Ltd.
Company Details
Company Information
Paul Grewal
Data Provider
(780) 450-9494
Pipeline Pigs / Pigging Equipment
Pigs, Pigging
Largest Canadian Manufacturer of Pipeline Pigs. Polyurethane Open
Cell Foam Pigs low, medium and high density foam configurations.
Foam pigs can be bare, or coated with polyurethane, wire brushes,
silicon carbide etc. These pigs can be bullet nose or
bi-directional. Mechanical pigs (scrapers) are steel body pigs
with cups, discs or cup-disc combinations and are with or without
various accessories such as brushes (steel, brass, stainless
steel, nylon, prostran etc.), polyurethane blades (3-rib or
plough), magnets etc. All of these accessories are replaceable.
Also design and supply pig traps (pig launchers & receivers), pig
tees, pig indicators, pigs tracking transmitters / receivers etc.
QPP also manufactures solid bare foam / coated foam spheres,
polyurethane spheres for meter proving. Technical assistance in
designing a complete pigging program.