Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.

Address: 4-109 Murray St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 5M5

Mailling Address: 4-109 Murray St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 5M5

Phone: (613) 241-7555

Fax: (613) 789-7333

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Phase 5 Consulting Group Inc.

Phase 5 is a marketing research and advisory firm that offers a unique understanding of today's digital environment. Our combination of human factors and marketing research expertise enables us to help clients in information and transaction-rich sectors better manage online products and channels. And, our multi-channel service measurement capability provides an understanding of how different channels work together, and how they can be aligned to achieve goals.

Our services centre around two main practice areas:
1) Online user experience research and consulting. Unlike more broadly-focused research companies, our concentration on research related to eServices has exposed us to the range of strategies that can be employed, placing us in a better position to draw implications from the research as it relates to effectively managing online channels. Starting with market definition, we use online or traditional surveys, data tracking and analysis to paint a clear picture of the market for your online products and services. Next, we employ qualitative techniques to help define online products and services. Through an interative testing process, we then help clients develop-user centred online products and services. Finally, we employe usability testing and quantitative measurement to assess performance over time.

2) Multi-channel service quality research. We have extensive experience conducting all aspects of service quality and service delivery surveys, including questionnaire design, methodology development, and statistical analysis. Our researchers are familiar with the techniques and types of analysis used to measure service quality and delivery performance, as well as the tools required to understand value. We have helped many of our clients migrate from traditional client satisfaction surveys to value measurement. We have also helped them manage customer retention, track performance, improve margins, prioritize areas for improvement, make necessary changes to service delivery and initiate appropriate staff development and training. Moreover, we understand the dynamics of today's multi-channel environment and the requirements for aligning channels to best achieve business goals.

Phase 5 also offers bilingual capability for national studies and has experience in managing international research assignments.

Company Details

Year Established: 1991

Total Sales ($CDN): $1,000,000 - $5,000,000

Number of Employees: 25

Company Information

Michael Dolenko
Title: Partner/Associate
Telephone: (416) 599-7555
Fax: (416) 599-7550
Email: Click Here

Carol Blackie
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 241-7555
Fax: (613) 789-7333
Email: Click Here

Andreas Noe
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 241-7555
Fax: (613) 789-7333
Email: Click Here

Doug Church
Title: Partner/Associate
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (613) 241-7555
Fax: (613) 789-7333
Email: Click Here


Business Service - Management Consulting Services

Management Consulting - Corporate/Management/Organization

Management Consultant - Market Analysis/Planning/Research