PMT Video

Address: 2600, rue. William-Tremblay
Bureau 201
Montreal, QC H1Y 3J2

Mailling Address: 2600, rue. William-Tremblay
Bureau 201
Montreal, QC H1Y 3J2

Phone: (514) 522-5553

Fax: (514) 522-5971

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


PMT Video

Specialiste des services tlvisuels (vido et infographique) PMT
vido tend ses activits au multimdia en offrant des services
de production aux corporations et gouvernements
Les productions de PMT Video sont developpes spcifiquement
pour des clients corporatifs.

Company Details

Year Established: 1981

Number of Employees: 24

Company Information

Isabelle Gratton
Title: Prsidente
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (514) 522-5553
Fax: (514) 522-5971
Email: Click Here


Une Grille Nordive Interactive

Multimedia - Education, Learning
Welcome to the Wolrd! This already well-known book-and-game set is now available on CD-Rom. An entertaining simple and candid story to help children understand, and adults explain that always unexpected question, Where do I come from?

Outil D'orientation
PMT dveloppe un outil d'orientation professionnelle visant les tudiants du secondaire


Multimedia - Business Applications

Multimedia - Entertainment