43 Westwood Cres., Charlottetown, PE
- 20 years experience with recruiting, SELECTION, HIRING, POSITION DESCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISING, DATABASE REFERENCES for all employers, Confidential Services.
924 Nicholson St., Victoria, BC
Not yet licensed business -- freelance part time writing, communications and public relations services.
524-25 Kappele Cir., Stratford, ON
Lynmar Consulting Canada provides marketing, feasibility, environmental assessments and alliance development as well as fund raising proposal support
12 Armstrong Ave, Georgetown, ON
Full service fundraising company offering peanut and nut free products. Also operates full transportation service
16-1717 Blair Ave., Victoria, BC
Web editing and copywriting
2166 New Glasgow Rd R.R. #3, Hunter River, PE
Development of curriculum material using a variety of delivery and instructional methods.
603-8297 Saba Rd, Richmond, BC
Developer and Service Provider, GPS Location, Video Compression Transmission(MPEG4/H264), Wireless Communication, Internet Security, Navigation Ssytem
29-9280 Glenallan Dr., Richmond, BC
Entertainment Solutions International provides consulting, casting, and arts and business advisory services for the theatre, film and television, non-profit organizations as well as providing team management and arts workshops for large corporations.
110 Marlee Ave, York, ON
Online job match and staffing services for direct hire jobs.
102-11471 Blacksmith Place, Richmond, BC