Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI)

Address: 2625 Queensview Dr.
Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2

Mailling Address: 2625 Queensview Dr.
Ottawa, ON K2B 8K2

Phone: (613) 828-6274

Toll Free: (888) 568-8292

Fax: (613) 726-3440

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI)

OCRI (Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation), the city's economic development corporation, is leading the way for Ottawa. OCRI is the rallying point to bring business, education and research together to create the winning economic conditions that allow Ottawa's technology companies to thrive locally and compete globally. At OCRI we promote sustainable economic development to maintain our high quality of life. For more information on OCRI visit our website at and for more information on the Ottawa Region please visit

Company Details

Company Information

Blair Patacairk
Title: Director
Telephone: (613) 592-8160

Meghan Pettipas
Title: Manager
Telephone: (613) 592-8160
Fax: (613) 592-8163
Email: Click Here

Jim Yuan
Title: Director of Technology
Telephone: (613) 592-8160
Email: Click Here

Alecia O'brien
Title: Manager of Marketing Communications
Telephone: (613) 828-6274
Fax: (613) 726-3440
Email: Click Here


Ottawa Centre For Research And Innovation