Opta Minerals inc.

Address: 585, ch Saint-Charles
Lac-Aux-Sables, QC G0X 1M0

Mailling Address: 585, ch Saint-Charles
Lac-Aux-Sables, QC G0X 1M0

Phone: (418) 289-3474

Fax: (418) 289-3074

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.optaminerals.com

Opta Minerals inc.

Manufacturer and distributor of blasting abrasives for sandblasting and industrial minerals and sands to be used by foundries, steel producers and other related industries.

Company Details

Company Information

Francois Gariepy
Title: Reprsentant des Ventes
Telephone: (418) 289-3474
Fax: (418) 289-3074
Email: Click Here


Ebony Grit, Barshot, Power Blast,Black Blast
