OSB Services

Address: 2759 Thamesgate Dr.
Mississauga, ON L4T 1G5

Mailling Address: 2759 Thamesgate Dr.
Mississauga, ON L4T 1G5

Phone: (905) 677-0022

Fax: (905) 677-0029

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.osbservices.com

OSB Services

Sub-sectors: air pollution control; monitoring.

Products/Services: air pollution control; analytical services; audits/assessments; chemical analysis services.

Consulting services: emission inventories; dispersion modelling; indoor air quality; iIndustrial hygiene; laboratories, fixed; laboratories, management; odour testing and evaluation; permits; site inspections; stacks emission characterization.

Company Description: OSB Services is a consulting firm focusing on air quality services through environmental chemistry experience and solutions. OSB offers comprehensive integrated air quality characterization and assessment for a broad range of applications including cross-medium transfer of pollutants.

With a strong background in environmental analytical chemistry and laboratory facilities, OSB specializes in solving unique problems with chemical emissions and testing methods. The testing facilities concentrate primarily on volatile organic compounds in air.

Alliances/Contacts Sought Joint Ventures

Company Details

Company Information

John Sliwinski
Title: Manager
Telephone: (905) 677-0022
Fax: (905) 677-0029
Email: Click Here


Environmental Products And Services

Multidisciplinary Environmental Impact Assessment
Multidisciplinary environmental impact assessments allow a site to be assessed for past or future environmental impacts. The firm works closely with the client in researching the past uses of a site, as well as determining the possible effects of any proposed uses or projects. The client's needs, and the parameters of the environmental problem or project are taken into consideration throughout the assessment. The assessment may include the use of tools such as GIS, computer simulation and modelling, and statistical analysis. The firm will then develop an approach or master plan tailored to the client's needs and problems and issues outlined. If necessary, communication plans, training and public education programs may also be implemented.


Environmental Air Quality Services