Tanya's Stained Glass Shoppe & Studio

85 Thames St S, Ingersoll, ON

Stained glass hobby supplies, gifts, classes, repairs and restorations

Klemmer Lumber Ltd.

Lot 14 Con. 8 West Grey Township, Elmwood, ON

Hardwood Logging and Sawmill Operation producing veneer logs and rough cut lumber in Hard Maple, Cherry and White Ash.

'DOC' Lock Inc.

2 - 35 Cherry Blossom Rd, Cambridge, ON


130 Thompson Rd S, Milton, ON

Canadian Distributor of Fibreglass Waterfalls, Streams, Fountains, Boulders and Pool accessories


1556 Matthew Brady Blvd., Windsor, ON

We are a leading provider of Electrocoating and Powder-Coating to the Automotive Parts Manufacturers. We also provide welding, assembly, packaging and sequencing.