7314 Sixth Line, Hornby, ON
Grows, distributes and sells trees, shrubs and evergreens
935 Victoria Ave. RR # 4, Fenwick, ON
R.R. #1, Walsingham, ON
Hwy 66 W. at Wataberg Rd., Swastika, ON
We have two nurseries where we produce hydroponic vegetables and tree seedlings
4591, av du Pont N, Alma, QC
3725 Regional Rd. 15, Chelmsford, ON
251 Berford Lake Rd R.R.4, Wiarton, ON
Grower gallon perennial plants. Manufacture bundled firewood.
R.R. 1, Egbert, ON
- H.R. Drysdale - Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame - Selected the best tree farm in Canada 1990 - Winner Grand Champion prize Royal Ontario Winter Fair (many times)