Nexans Canada Inc.

Address: 140 Allstate Pkwy.
Markham, ON L3R 0Z7

Mailling Address: 140 Allstate Pkwy.
Markham, ON L3R 0Z7

Phone: (905) 944-4300

Toll Free: 1(800) 268-9473

Fax: (905) 944-4333

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Nexans Canada Inc.

Member of Electro Federation Canada

Alcatel is the largest electrical cable manufacturer in the
world. Alcatel Magnet Wire is the division of Alcatel producing
magnet wire in plants around the world.

Company Details

Year Established: 1911

Total Sales ($CDN): $50,000,000 +

Number of Employees: 2000

Company Information

Gordon Thursfield
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 944-4300
Fax: (905) 944-4380
Email: Click Here

Yvon Raak
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (905) 944-4300
Fax: (905) 944-4380
Email: Click Here

April Kimmel
Title: Director
Area of Responsibility: Finance/Accounting
Telephone: (905) 944-4300
Fax: (905) 944-4360
Email: Click Here

Frank Ryan
Title: Secretary
Telephone: (828) 323-2660
Fax: (828) 323-8735
Email: Click Here

Robin Drummond
Telephone: (905) 944-4389
Fax: (905) 944-4340
Email: Click Here

Barbara Hennecke
Title: Manager
Telephone: (905) 944-4389
Fax: (905) 944-4340

Jackie Warner
Title: Office Manager
Telephone: (905) 944-4389
Fax: (905) 944-4340
Email: Click Here


Electrical & Electronic Cables

Copper Rod And Wires

Magnet Wire
Alcatel Magnet Wire manufactures a complete range of copper and aluminium magnet wire. Alcatel's global capability allows us to supply sizes ranging from ultra-fine 56 AWG, for use in watches, to continuously transposed cable for use in power transformers.
