NF Polybag (1992) Ltd.

Address: Timco Mall
4-43 Maple Valley Rd.
Corner Brook, NL A2H 6T3

Mailling Address: 4-43 Maple Valley Rd.
Corner Brook, NL A2H 6T3

Phone: (709) 634-0302

Fax: (709) 634-0570

Map it: Click Here

NF Polybag (1992) Ltd.

Manufacturers of :
L.D., L.L.D., H.D., Poleythylene
Fish, Sheets
Ziploc Bags
Film, Tubing, Sheeting
Plain Bags
Printing Bags
Shopping Bags
Garbage Bags, etc.

Company Details

Year Established: 1986

Total Sales ($CDN): $5,000,000 - $10,000,000

Number of Employees: 24

Company Information

Nancy Jones
Title: Manager
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (709) 634-0302
Fax: (709) 634-0570

David Wong
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (416) 299-4658
Fax: (416) 299-4982


Polyethylene Resin Low Density

Polyethylene Resin Medium Density

Polyethylene Resin High Density

Pe Sheet, Low Density /Over .02 In Thick/

Pe Sheet, Medium Density /Over .01' Thick/

Pe Sheet, High Density /Over .01 In Thick/

Bags, Plastic, Nes

Bags, Shopping

Bags, Garbage, Household
