Morris Industries Ltd.

Address: 2131 Airport Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7L 7E1

Mailling Address: 2131 Airport Dr.
Saskatoon, SK S7L 7E1

Phone: (306) 933-8585

Fax: (306) 933-8626

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here


Morris Industries Ltd.

Company Details

Year Established: 1929

Number of Employees: 279

Company Information

Ken Kotowich
Title: Director Of Marketing
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing, Export Sales & Marketing
Telephone: (306) 933-8585
Fax: (306) 933-8626
Email: Click Here

Casey Davis
Title: President
Telephone: (306) 933-8585
Fax: (306) 933-8626
Email: Click Here


Fertilizer Applicators

Air Drills
MAXIM II Hoe Air Drill. One pass seeding and fertilizing system.

Harrow Draw Bars

Floating Hitch Cultivators
Concept 2000, 8900, 9000 Floating Hitch Cultivators.

Heavy Harrow
Field Pro Heavy Harrow bar.

Chisel Plows
Magnum III Fixed Hitch Chisel Plow.

Air Seeding Systems
Concept 2000 Air Seeding System

Air Carts
7000 Series Air Cart, EIGHT Series Air Cart

Round Bale Carriers
881 and 1400 Hay Hikers.

Packer Harrows
Rangler II and Rangler III Packer Harrow Bars.

Drill, Air

Equipment, Tillage, Cultivators

Handling, Furnace

Handling, Material

Harrows, Heavy

Harrows, Packer

Seeder, Air

Seeding & Tillage

Shuttle, Grain

Systems, Air Seeding & Tillage

Wagons, Bale

Disc Drills
Never Pin Disc Air Drill, Xpress Double Disc AIr Drill
