Micrologic Limited

Address: 5 - 1323 - 44 Ave. N.E.
Calgary, AB T2E 6L5

Mailling Address: 5 - 1323 - 44 Ave. N.E.
Calgary, AB T2E 6L5

Phone: (403) 250-2911

Fax: (403) 250-5009

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.micrologic.ab.ca

Micrologic Limited

Micrologic Limited is an electronics engineering consulting firm providing turnkey development of electronics products and instrumentation.

Company Details

Year Established: 1978

Number of Employees: 5

Company Information

Robert Atkins
Title: President
Telephone: (403) 250-2911
Email: Click Here


Electronics Engineering Consultants

Product Development product design and development services including software, firmware and hardware as well as packaging and production support