Trimar Consulting Inc.

Address: 2200-4950 Yonge St.
North York, ON M2N 6K1

Mailling Address: 2200-4950 Yonge St.
North York, ON M2N 6K1

Phone: (416) 410-3311

Email: Click Here

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Michael Marmur & Associates

Michael Marmur & Associates provides management development
expertise to organizations in both the private and public

Company Details

Year Established: 1992

Number of Employees: 2

Company Information

Michael J. Marmur
Title: President
Area of Responsibility: Management Executive
Telephone: (416) 410-3311
Fax: (416) 730-0074
Email: Click Here


Management Consulting

Consequential Analysis Consequential Analysis is a decision making process to break decision gridlock and facilitate problem solving by focusing management attention on establishing decision alternatives. Consequential Analysis was developed as an interactive technique to help management flesh out and document alternatives. The pros and cons of each alternative are then weighted, irrelevant data can then be identified, and the consequences of selecting a particular path are generated so that they can be examined. Consequential Analysis is a powerful tool to help decision makers examine the potential result(s) of their action or inaction. The methodology allows the participants, generally influenced by their own agendas and interests, to make better choices by helping them to predict the consequences of their action or inaction. Consequential Analysis is invaluable in the following processes: Strategy Reformulation Consequential Analysis helps decision makers to resolve strategic problems in which there is no apparent convergence of thinking or where there are questions/doubts regarding an agreed upon strategic direction. Project Management Through the application of guiding principles, Consequential Analysis facilitates an objective review of complex or critical projects and programs. Change Management By applying consequential thinking, participants broaden their perspective by challenging their own assumptions. The result is an ability to see what action is required in order to achieve success. The outcome is a fully engaged individual acting in the best interest of the organization. Tactical Issues / Conflict Resolution Consequential Analysis works to help resolve tactical or tier two issues those when a decision is required, but there is no apparent consensus and the problem has little chance of being resolved without focus or a commitment to resolution. Risk Assessment / Scenario Planning Consequential Analysis provides methodology to uncover hidden issues or traps prior to launching products or services or making changes in strategic direction. Problem Solving Consequential Analysis helps to ensure that the best possible decision outcome can be identified and chosen particularly in those situations where having performed a detailed analysis still presents no obvious choice. Consequential Analysis helps bring people to a focal point with minimal disruption or negative fallout. Benefits and Savings to the Organization and Participants Time saved. Decision-making consensus acquired. Impasses broken and dissolved. Focus of participants on reaching decisions, thus minimal organizational distraction and fallout. Synergy resulting from a team dynamic focused on a successful outcome. Overall, the best possible decisions and effective action flowing from the process.

Business Dispute Resolution Alternative Dispute resolution for partneships and workplace conflict.