Lio & Associates

Address: 100-35 Madison Ave.
Toronto, ON M5R 2S2

Mailling Address: 100-35 Madison Ave.
Toronto, ON M5R 2S2

Phone: (416) 961-3487

Fax: (416) 975-8819

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Lio & Associates

Lio & Associates offers research, design and technical training services to the public and private sectors. The firm has experience in research, development, demonstration and implementation in the field of energy efficiency.

The firm offers technology transfer services in addition to design and consulting. It specializes in the provision of the following services: building code consulting; building science research and investigations; construction technology transfer programs and publications; housing sector energy management consulting and policy development; integrated housing consulting services.

Michael Lio has an extensive background in and understanding of building technology, construction, and building science. He has participated as a technical consultant in a number of building-related projects including ventilation studies, housing publications, and housing technology transfer initiatives. Michael has also been involved in the R-2000 Program since 1982 having served during that time as CHBA's national design evaluation auditor, OHBA provincial quality assurance auditor, in addition to being involved in the Program as a design evaluator, inspector, and R-2000 instructor.

Company Details

Company Information

Michael Lio
Title: Manager
Telephone: (416) 961-3487
Fax: (416) 975-8819


Environmental Products

Energy Performance Analysis.
Lio & Associates utilizes computer simulations to analyse the energy performance of houses. The firm is able to provide solutions and recommendations for cost-effectively lowering energy costs. Other services include mechanical/structural design services, technology transfer services, policy development, and building code consulting.


Environmental Services