Lexikon - Translation Services

Address: 1114-1276 Maple Crossing Blvd
Burlington, ON L7S 2J9

Mailling Address: 1114-1276 Maple Crossing Blvd
Burlington, ON L7S 2J9

Phone: (905) 633-7789

Fax: (905) 633-8830

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Website: http://www.lexikon-translations.com

Lexikon - Translation Services

lexikon - translation services provides translations that are true to the original and are: concise, complete, and culturally correct. Only you know you are reading a translation!

Company Details

Company Information

Wolfgang Brech
Title: Data Provider
Telephone: (905) 842-2886
Fax: (905) 842-7369
Email: Click Here


Linguistic Services