Kirchner Machine Limited

Address: 2419-2nd Ave. N.
Lethbridge, AB T1H 0C1

Mailling Address: 2419-2nd Ave. N.
Lethbridge, AB T1H 0C1

Phone: (403) 328-5568

Fax: (403) 328-3883

Email: Click Here

Map it: Click Here

Kirchner Machine Limited

Company Details

Year Established: 1946

Total Sales ($CDN): $100,000 - $200,000

Number of Employees: 35

Company Information

Dwayne Kirchner
Title: Owner
Area of Responsibility: Domestic Sales & Marketing


Planters, Agricultural, New

Packing And Contouring Equip, Agr, New

Cultivators And Weeders, Row Crop, Agr, New

Sprayers, Agricultural, New

Hay Handling Machinery Nes, New

Ditching Attachment, For Tractor

Agricultural Machinery & Equipment Nes

Trailers, Nes

Soil Prep, Seeding Mach Nes, New
