Keystone Manufacturing (Plastics) Ltd.
Keystone's early operations, begun in 1958, made specialty
plastics items (tent signs, calculators etc). Its first plastic
cards was manufactured for a current competitor, without
realizing the potential then. But in 1984, under new ownership,
Keystone launched into the card manufacturing business in a
major way. Since then, sales and production volumes have
increased over 35 times. The company has moved twice to much
larger and secure premises and currently Keystone manufactures
over 50 million cards a year of all types--credit, debit, smart,
I.D., library, loyalty, telephone etc. The company is a charter
member of the world association of card manufacturers made up of
over 120 companies around the globe, the International Card
Manufacturers Association (ICMA).
Keystone is currently the only card manufacturer in Canada
with National and International sales and service offices. At
present,there are dedicated offices in Vancouver, Calgary,
Montreal, and at the head office in Toronto. Internationally,
the company utilizes sales agents in Zurich (Switzerland),
Stamford Conn.(USA) and Minneapolis(USA) as well as nternational
sales from the head office. Exports account for approximately
15% of total sales--to markets including USA, Cuba, Switzerland,
India, Middle Ease the and Caribbean.
Keystone has developed a production operation that embodies
two enormously important attributes from a customer's point of
1. Flexibility and adaptability--our raison d'etre is to supply
what our customers need, when they need it. So we jump and find
ways to respond to our client's needs. That is how the business
has grown and why it is still central to our operation.
2. Quality--speed and flexibility are not compromises for
quality. And Keystone has been recognised as the world's best
manufacturer of phone cards for THREE YEARS IN A ROW by the
ICMA. We are extremely proud of this recognition because it
endorses the fine work our people put into our customers'
products--on a consistent basis over long periods of time.
Keystone Technologies Division:
This division of the company sells and services equipment
and systems that add security and value to manufactured cards.
Digital Imaging systems including photo I.D. software and
hardware, date management and smart card production and
initialization are included in this Division.
'CardWorks' photo I.D. software is proprietary and includes
serveral unique and extraordinary features not found elsewhere.
As a consequences, this division is growing by leaps and bounds
with increasing numbers of installations in Canada and the U.S.
for governments, security companies, colleges, unviersities and
manufacturers. Installations can stand alone or be networked as
the application requires. 'CardWorks' is 32 bit code, ODBC
compatible, includes 'ghosting' security among other features
and runs on almost any computer. Technologies is also a
registered VAR for DataCard's digital imaging printers.
The entire Keystone operation is housed in modern, clean, secure
premises with Mastercard level security.
Company Details
Year Established:
Total Sales ($CDN):
$1,000,000 - $5,000,000
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Dan Silc
(416) 293-3842
(416) 293-5198
Click Here
W. Edwards
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(416) 293-3842
(416) 293-5198
Livio Silvestri
Sales Co-ordinator/Service
Area of Responsibility:
Export Sales & Marketing
(416) 293-3842
(416) 293-5198
Bud Kronenberg
Vice President
Area of Responsibility:
Management Executive
(416) 293-3842
(416) 293-5198
Click Here
Jim Simpson
Vice President
Area of Responsibility:
Domestic Sales & Marketing
(416) 293-3842
(416) 293-5198
Click Here
Credit, Debit & Prepaid Calling Cards
Secure Cards
Credit, debit and electronic purse cards are produced for
banks, trust companies, credit unions, cash machines,
telephone networks, and provincial driver licences.
Access Cards & Photo I.D. Systems
Cards for access into premises, database and library cards,
personalized photo identification cards and complete systems
represent this category.
Integrated Circuit Cards
Keystone added Smart Card production to its capabilities
effective July 1996. The current market for Smart Cards in
North America is exploding with forecasted exponential growth
within 2-3 years. Keystone is ideally poised to exploit the
marketplace through its card manufacturing, personalization,
chip implanting, card initialization, and application
development capabilities.
Cardware Identification Management System
Keystone has added the 'CardWare' Identification
Management System to its repertoire of card
personalization systems and services. CardWare systems
are supplied turnkey or as a debundled software kit to the
domestic and international markets.
'CardWare' Identification Management Systems incorporate
state-of-the-art biometric verification technology developed
by a world class, local supplier (Mytec). Mytec
Technologies, a publicly traded company, has developed the
world`s first optical computing application which
incorporates proprietary encryption technology based on
finger pattern capture/conversion/storage.
The company provides complete and comprehensive
processing services for clients - including embossing and
encoding, affixing and inserting, sorting and batching for
mailing, data management, reconciliation and reporting.
Secure warehousing and inventory services are provided for
cards and related materials. Data transmission and
networking services as they are required for card processing
are also provided.
Card Personalization Service Bureau
Keystone provides complete and comprehensive processing services
for clients - including embossing and encoding, affixing and
inserting, sorting and batching for mailing, data management,
reconciliation and reporting. Secure warehousing and inventory
services are provided for cards and related materials. Data
transmission and networking services as they are required for
card processing are also provided.