Kelly Santini LLP
Kelly, Howard, Santini offers a wide range of services to clients
who create, use, buy or sell technology. Members of our firm
have provided advice and assistance to clients ranging from
start-up businesses to international public companies. Members
of our Technology Law Group focus on providing specialised advice
and assistance in all matters related to the development,
acquisition, supply and use of products and services, including
the negotiation, drafting and review of technology agreements
related to computer and information system acquisitions, software
development and licensing, system support and maintenance,
consulting and source code escrow, and the protection of
confidential and proprietary information against improper use by
competitors, customers, employees and former employees.
Sector(s) : components, hardware, instrumentation,
microelectronics, multimedia, software, telecommunication.
Secteur(s) : composant, instrumentation, logiciel,
microlectronique, multimdia, ordinateur, tlcommunication.
Company Details
Number of Employees:
Company Information
Bob Starky
(613) 238-6321
(613) 233-4553
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